10 November, 2011

DIY - Silhouette Pillow

During one of my many shopping sprees I saw an amazing Queen Elizabeth II silhouette pillow. I fell in love with it instantly but at $200 I found myself thinking I could make it myself for a lot less. So I added it to my DIY to do list and today I finally had some time to attempt my first DIY tutorial.

[The supplies - pillow case, acrylic or fabric paint, freezer paper (available at Spotlight), Sharpie, mini
Stanley knife and a print out of the image you want to use]

[ Place the Freezer Paper over your image and use your Sharpie to draw an outline]

[Using your stanley knife, slice out everything inside the outline. Once you have cut out your silhouette place the paper waxy side down and iron over the paper. The waxy side will stick to your fabric allowing you to paint our silhouette without the paint bleeding outside the template.]
[Mix up the colour you want your silhouette to be - I wanted mine to be pink so squeezed
 a lot of white and then added a little bit of red until I got the colour I was looking for]

[Apply your paint, let it dry for half a hour then add your second coat if
you need it. Because my fabric was striped I needed 3 coats. Once your last coast is dry simply
peel away the freezer paper and your will be left with your beautiful silhoutte. You can even
keep your template to use on another pillow]

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